Overweight problems can be solved by dieting. Regulate food consumption to be more balanced. Some people go on a diet with the hope of weight loss. But the weight does not go down instead it tends to rise.

An unsuccessful diet can be due to wrong habits and understanding and carried out during the diet. What are those habits?

Understanding temporary diet
Generally the diet is done temporarily until you lose weight as desired. This is a misconception that makes dieting a temporary solution. Diet is a sustainable solution to find the ideal body shape and weight. After the recommended diet period is over, people tend to go back to normal eating patterns, then gain weight again. Diet is actually a solution to get a healthy body with an ideal body weight.

Diet makes food an enemy of weight
By going on a diet, people tend to be hostile to food and think about whether the food they eat will affect their weight or not. For some people, the diet leads to eating disorders called orthorexia. actually not the case. Diet can be done in a fun way. People who suffer from orthorexia become very fixated with what is called being healthy. So they spoil the fun in the diet itself.

Ignoring hunger
Because they are on a diet, it is forbidden to consume excessive snacks. This is not wrong. But if the body signals hunger, give a little healthy biscuits or fruit consumption. Ignoring hunger in the long run can make the body less responsive to natural hunger cues. Makes you more difficult to understand your body and manage your weight.

Diet can cause metabolism to slow down
This can happen if the portion of the diet is not balanced. In the diet it is recommended to reduce calorie consumption than usual. But eating too few calories can make your metabolism slow down. The study found that people on a low-calorie diet would lose weight at a slower rate.

If you go on a diet of course you have to reduce calorie levels and the food you want to eat. This can increase stress which causes insulin levels to rise. Makes you crave sweet and fatty food.