Lettuce is very often found in lalapan. Lettuce is also commonly served in gado-gado, even fast food such as burgers. Lettuce is a vegetable that has good nutrition, which is needed for health, body and hair.

Lettuce is a source of high vitamin A and vitamin K content. Besides lettuce also contains various important nutrients such as iron, potassium and calcium. Lettuce is a nutrient-rich vegetable, but lettuce contains low calories and fat. So that it can make the stomach full longer

Here are the benefits of lettuce for health, body and hair:

Good For Heart Health

The body needs folate, to process amino acids in the blood. Lettuce contains folate which is good for the body. Amino acids in the blood that are too high, can cause various diseases of the heart. For example blockage of blood vessels.

If a blood vessel is blocked, this can increase the risk of stroke, coronary artery disease and pulmonary embolism. Lettuce also contains vitamin A and vitamin C, which have functions for powerful antioxidants against free radicals, and prevent damage to cells that can make heart disease

Caring For Skin Health

The skin needs vitamin A and vitamin C, to maintain skin health, and maintain skin color. The content of vitamin A which is found in lettuce, can help even skin tone, which is not flat due to sun exposure.

The content of vitamin C in lettuce, has benefits for preventing premature aging of the skin, which often occurs in adulthood. Routine consumption of lettuce which is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C, can help treat your skin to look healthier, firmer and softer.

Lettuce has a high water content, so it keeps the skin moist naturally, so it doesn’t dry out and doesn’t wrinkle easily.

Boosts The Immune System

Lettuce has antioxidant content, which can help fight free radicals, which can damage cells in the body. The content of vitamins and minerals in lettuce leaves, serves to maintain the body’s immune cells, to fight viruses and bacteria that cause disease.

Besides lettuce contains vitamin A, which can cure infection, or inflammation due to damage to cells that are attacked by viruses or bacteria

Helps Eye Health

Eyes need vitamin A to maintain eye health. Lettuce has vitamin A, which is needed by the eyes. The content of vitamin A in lettuce, can help maintain eye health, so that vision is always healthy. Vitamin A can also help avoid the risk of glaucoma, cataracts, and decreased vision due to the aging process.

Maintaining Bone Health

Eating lettuce can also help prevent bone diseases such as osteoporosis, because lettuce has mineral content, which is good for bone health. Lettuce has a high mineral content, and also contains vitamin K, which can maintain bone health.

Besides lettuce also contains several vitamins such as vitamin B9 or folic acid, which also has a function to maintain bone health, and help the body absorb calcium which can make bones healthy.

Helps Lose Weight

Lettuce leaves are rich in fiber and cellulose. Lettuce helps smooth digestion, to help reduce weight.

The fiber found in lettuce, also helps remove bile salts from the body. And fiber can make your stomach full longer.

Salts found in the body, replaced with good fiber in the body, to help break down cholesterol and lose weight.

Reducing The Risk of Diabetes

If you often eat lettuce, then lettuce has good benefits for the body, which is able to reduce the risk of diabetes. Because lettuce has a low sugar content, which does not cause a drastic increase in sugar levels, when consumed every day.

Lettuce only contains about 5 calories and 2 grams of carbohydrates, so lettuce is a suitable food for the diet, and is also good for diabetics.

Lettuce also contains lactucaxanthin, an anti-diabetic carotenoid that helps reduce blood glucose levels, and can be an alternative treatment for treating diabetes.

Keep Hair Healthy

Lettuce has vitamin K. Not only does the body need vitamin K, but hair also needs vitamin K to stay healthy.

Vitamin K, which is contained in lettuce, has various benefits for hair, to prevent hair loss. Lettuce can keep hair healthy, because it can increase the strength of each strand of hair, and can prevent hair loss.

The content in lettuce also has benefits, to prevent gray hair and stimulate hair growth